We are committed to doing all that we can to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our value chains or any part of our business.
Our core responsibility is to have visibility of the groups that are at greater risk of modern slavery and to ensure that they are protected. As a result, we have focused our efforts where the following risk factors appear:
- Migrant labour is used
- Vulnerable workers are prevalent (i.e., refugees, young workers, etc.)
- The majority of labour in place are temporary or agency workers
- Lower cost materials or services are being offered by suppliers
Our Modern Slavery Working Group and representatives from all areas of the business lead our efforts in this area, including meeting on a bi-monthly basis to review, assess and drive actions.
For more details, please read our latest Modern Slavery Statement, providing a comprehensive overview on updates to the business; our supply chain model; policies and governance; risk prioritisation and mitigation; our progress and plans for the next year.
All Modern Slavery Statements: