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Our responsible sourcing strategy is worker focused, environmentally targeted, and balanced to allow for opportunities of equitable distribution of value through the supply chain.

In 2001, New Look launched our Ethical Aims, which clearly set out our standards for fair and safe working conditions. For the last 20 years, these aims have guided New Look's engagement in ethical trade, we review these regularly to ensure that we are evolving with the needs of our supply chain.

The aims are aligned to international standards and key ILO conventions focused on human rights and labour practices, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals and the ETI Base Code.

Everyone who is part of our value chain, working with us directly or indirectly, must adhere to our Ethical Aims.

Transformation & Targets

The ambitions, targets, and work stream initiatives within our internal change transformation pillar called Kind to Our Core bring to life how sustainability is interlinked across the company, influencing our strategies on how we source, buying responsibly, designing products, supplier partnerships and brand values.

Responsible Business

Responsible & Circular Product

Positive local impact

Inclusive Culture

More information can be found on our targets within our latest report,
Kind to our Core: Sustainability Strategy Update

Transformation & Targets
Transformation & Targets Mobile Image
Fair Wages
Fair Wages Mobile Image

Fair Wages

Individuals earning enough to meet the needs of themselves and their families is more than a wage but a connection to the health and well-being of all workers. It is an issue that no company can address alone and where industry collaboration is essential.

20 global brands, including New Look and IndustriALL Global Union are part of ACT, an industry agreement and commitment to the pursuit of living wages for workers in the textile and garment supply chains. The work is focused on priority countries with the ultimate intention of bringing about collective bargaining agreements across the industry in country to support workers being paid living wages.

Activities such as changes in purchasing practices, supporting local initiatives, and strategic sector engagement are facilitating necessary steps toward providing fair wages for workers within our supply chains.


Transparency and visibility through our ways of working and through the length of our supply chains has evolved to be at the heart of how New Look do business.

Transparency provides accountability to all levels, challenging each actor to be clear on their commitments and what is required to achieve a business model supportive of growing sectors and maintaining financial viability. We expect our suppliers to work with us, challenge us when it is required and to be responsible in their actions. To create a thriving apparel and footwear sector for future generations, collaboration is at the heart, striving for change that will benefit the whole industry as well as their own organisation.

Human Rights Due Diligence

New Look has long believed in going beyond audits. We aim to collaborate with our suppliers, factories, and other relevant stakeholders to solve problems together rather than a top-down approach. Over time, New Look have shifted from a compliance-led approach, with risk to business at its heart to human rights due diligence (HRDD). A people led approach - identifying and acting upon both potential and actual human rights risks for workers in our operations, supply chains and services we use.

HRDD allows us to work together and more proactively with our supply chain, with opportunities to identify and mitigate actions, remediate violations where needed and continuously monitor and report. This approach enables better visibility, supports security of supply, reduces risk of disruption, improves supplier performance and enhances credibility and reputation